Prepare for Humanitarian Action

The academy for humanitarian action (aha) provides advanced training courses for the humanitarian community. It combines unique insights from humanitarian practice and academic research. Join us on our mission to spread the skills we need when crises hit – start today.

Upcoming courses

Mainstreaming of Disability in Humanitarian Action: Meaningful Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action


September 2024



In this training, you will learn how to apply the IASC Guidelines on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Actions, focusing on the 4 (four) must-do actions. You will improve your knowledge of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), understand their structure, and what it means to collaborate at eye level. You will also gain knowledge on supporting participation through practical arrangements like reasonable accommodation and application of the twin-track approach. Finally, you will gain practical knowledge on implementing inclusive approaches for all individuals with different types of disabilities, including women, men, girls, and boys.

The training will follow a “blended learning” approach which includes online and in-person sessions. The training starts with a half-day online introduction and an online self-learning exercise of around 60 minutes. The two-day face-to-face workshop in Berlin, co-facilitated by Organizations of Persons with disabilities from Cameroon, will include a diverse mix of input presentations and practical case studies, group work, plenary discussions, and the option for individual advisory sessions.

Introductory Workshop on Racism and Postcolonial Power Structures


September 2024

Addressing the power system of racism and its entanglements with other phenomena such as sexism, homophobia and trans-hostility, ableism, etc. is essential in order to shape equal coexistence in society and reduce power inequalities globally and locally. Development cooperation and humanitarian aid in particular are based on colonial power relations.

In this workshop unit, racism will first be defined and its mechanisms of action identified. In which structures does racism operate in the German context and globally? To do this, we will look at historical backgrounds and analyse post-colonial power systems. Where do we find these power inequalities in the working context of international humanitarian aid and development policy? How and where is colonial continuity evident?

Finally, postcolonial and racist patterns of thought and narratives in our own work will be examined. Racism in images, in one's own language and in communication and cooperation with partners in the Global South will be analysed in a practical way in order to find strategies for action and approaches for change.


Introduction to Humanitarian Needs Assessments and Analysis


September 2024


© Aktion Deutschland Hilft/Thorsten Thor

The course aims to introduce you to the processes, skills and knowledge required to design and implement Assessment and Analysis (A&A) processes with specific focus on analysis planning, data collection and processing of primary data in humanitarian emergencies. Therefore, it relies on the broad experience of ACAPS (initially: "The Assessment Capacities Project”), using guidance from ACAPS Technical Briefs and the Humanitarian Needs Assessment – The Good Enough Guide (GEGA) – as backdrops. The pedagogical approach will follow a mixture of introductory presentations and group work, including the work on case studies.

The focus of the course lays on assessment needs of staffs of local offices or local partners in the field.  Thus, discussion will be centred around on assessment methods and approaches using data that are available locally, primary as well as secondary data.

The course is planned as an online format in English to accommodate people working on humanitarian projects in overseas, as well as staffs of local partner organisations.

Who we are

The academy for humanitarian action (aha) is an institution for further education in the humanitarian sector. It is located at the intersection of humanitarian practice and research and pools the expertise from over 25 years of work in the humanitarian sector. The aha carries out high quality trainings and offers a platform for other training providers in the field of humanitarian action. Our trainings are based on internationally established initiatives to systematize and standardize education in humanitarian action. Visit the about us section to find out more!

What we aim for

Our work is inspired by the desire to create a positive impact and advance the professionalization of humanitarian action in Germany and beyond. Our aim is to support humanitarians in their continuous effort to further improve the quality of their work, address new challenges and meet important requests for reform, such as the commitments that were made in the course of the World Humanitarian Summit. A special emphasis of our work is on anticipatory humanitarian action and community-led response. Visit the about us section to find out more!

What we offer

The academy for humanitarian action offers a wide range of different training courses on topics related to humanitarian action and international collaboration. The trainings are carried out by aha members and by external providers who have proven expertise in selected areas. Our curriculum is based on the indicated needs of target communities and will be continuously updated and adapted in collaboration with experts from different practical and academic disciplines. Click here to get an overview of our current course offer or here to download a pdf version of our course curriculum for 2024. Participating in several courses of the curriculum will allow you to gain a “Certificate of Advanced Studies” (CAS).

Aktion Deutschland HilftRUBInstitut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres VölkerrechtFH MünsterKompetenzzentrum Humanitäre HilfeAkademie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Your tailor-made certificate

The academy for humanitarian action offers flexible and tailor-made certificates that can be adapted to your purpose. You may opt for a simple certificate of attendance, a course certificate or a “Certificate of Advanced Studies” from one of the core tracks: Foundations of Humanitarian Action, Anticipatory Humanitarian Action or Locally-led Humanitarian Action. Each “Certificate of Advanced Studies” comprises five course certificates. To get a more detailed overview of our modular certification scheme, click here.