Shifting Power – Reducing Power Imbalances in Humanitarian Action

Fully booked

The consequences of colonialism continue to affect countries around the world to this day. This also affects the field of humanitarian action. As a key stakeholder in the humanitarian system, NGOs operate in an environment characterized by power imbalances and dependencies. A critical reflection on the systems, structures and roles organizations play in this environment, is an important starting point to overcome colonial continuities. The seminar will introduce you to the terminologies of decolonizing aid and you will explore through practical examples how shifting the power can work in reality.

The seminar consists of three half-day online sessions on 15 and 27 November as well as 7 December and includes regular breaks.

© Aktion Deutschland Hilft / Thorsten Thor

You will learn

about key concepts related to the decolonization of aid

how power imbalances manifest in humanitarian partnerships

how these power imbalances can be overcome

Target group

The seminar is targeted at staff of German and local / national humanitarian NGOs. We kindly ask German NGO colleagues to forward this invitation to their local and national partners.


13:00 - 14:00

Introductions and Expectations

14:00 - 15:15

Colonialism and Histories of Oppression

Presentation and group work

15:15 - 16:00

Insights and Experiences from the Field

Guest speaker

16:00 - 17:00

Power, Relationships and Geography

Group reflection

Friederike Bubenzer


Carolin Gomulia



Aly, Heba (2022). Ten efforts to decolonise aid, available online:

15.11.2023 - 07.12.2023

12 hours of training

Online Event

ProviderThis training is organized by the umbrella organization of development and humanitarian aid NGOs in Germany.
This Training is part of a joint programme by IFHV and VENRO and is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.