Anti-bias and Anti-discrimination in Humanitarian Action

Fully booked

Humanitarian aid has been widely criticized as driven by the global north lacking transformation and suffering from systemic power imbalances. This course focuses on anti-discrimination, inclusivity and anti-bias highlighting the intersectionality of various forms of discrimination in humanitarian action. The aim of the course is to sensitize participants for issues relating to exclusion, discrimination and biases and relating those learnings back to the day to day work in humanitarian aid.

During three highly interactive online sessions, Friederike Bubenzer and Carolin Gomulia will explore with the participants their own often hidden and underlying biases and perceptions. Besides engaging concepts relating to exclusion and bias, the course will explore how to practically apply new practices and concepts in humanitarian aid and development cooperation. The two facilitators are both situated in South Africa with many years of experience working in the field of anti-discrimination work.

The course is planned as an online-workshop on 1, 5 and 7 October 2021 and includes regular breaks.

© Unsplash / Micheile Henderson

You will learn

how to address issues and debates of discrimination in humanitarian action

how to reflect on your own attitudes, privileges and ways of working with regard to personal and structural racisms and prejudices

how to develop tools to dissolve discriminatory and oppressive patterns of thinking and acting on a personal level

Target group

Students and graduates of relevant disciplines, newcomers and career changers, staff of humanitarian NGOs with previous experience in humanitarian action


9:00 - 9:45

Welcome, Introductions & Expectations

9:45 - 11:30

Privilege, Power and Perspectives

11:30 - 12:30

Why Words Matter – an Interactive Session on Various Terms of Anti-Discrimination

12:30 - 13:00

Reflection and Wrap-Up

Friederike Bubenzer


Carolin Gomulia


Carolin Gomulia is a seasoned strategist who has honed her skills in the government- and non-profit sectors. She launched "The Workroom - A transformation and development agency" in 2018 which seeks to insert wonder and possibility in the collaborative search, beyond the present, for a vision that makes organizations relevant and resilient. She is also a senior consultant at MzN International. She worked for several years at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa where she contributed to and facilitated numerous processes on anti-bias and anti-discrimination. She speaks fluent English, German and Spanish and holds a Master's degree in Development Studies (University of the Western Cape, South Africa), and in Development Management (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany). She is deeply committed and passionate about social justice and transformation. Carolin is a German national with organic familial links to Indonesia and has resided in South Africa for the past 15 years.

01.10.2021 - 07.10.2021

12 hours of training

Online Event

ProviderThis Training is part of a joint programme by IFHV and VENRO and is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
This training is organized by the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict.